Hardware Type
There are a few ways to setup your signage hardware which is based on your budget for the hardware.
Choose your Hardware setup
First, determine what hardware will be designated as your message board (TV, Computer, Computer connected to TV, or a *Smart TV). After you determine the hardware, find the best location or the most visible area. Now login and start the service, that's it. We'll do the rest.
Note: all services require internet access. If you purchase the "RPZ Viewer" it comes pre-configured and requires your network name (SSID) and the password (key).
Existing Equipment (TV, HDTV)
Existing Equipment
If your hardware configuration consists of an older existing TV, then the RPZ Viewer is necessary. After your hardware is chosen and setup, Simply log into your account from any device to create, update and manage your display's and signage content.
Smart TV
With a Smart TV your almost there. No additional hardware is necessary. Download the Chrome browser. Open the browser from your SmartTV and go to http://www.localbillboards.net, signup for an account, and then log in and click the "Start" button to launch your signage. Your signage is now up and running.
Computers / Computers via TV
Computers are as simple to setup as the SmartTV and you may be a bit more familiar with it. First, determine if you are going to use a Monitor or a TV as the display. (note: this computer and monitor are now you signage display and not a work station). There are a few ways to connect to the display; VGA, RCA, or HDMI. Download the Chrome browser. Open the chrome browser from your computer and go to http://www.localbillboards.net, Now you manage your display network from anywhere with just a few clicks.