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Choose Your Hardware Setup

There are a few ways to setup your signage hardware which is based on your hardware budget. First, determine what hardware will be designated as your message board (TV, Computer, Computer connected to TV, or a *Smart TV)

Existing Equip(TV, HDTV)

Using that existing TV is easy. first you need a media adapter like the RPZ. Then a choose number of displays you need to manage or subscription type.

Smart TV

With a Smart TV your almost there. No additional hardware is necessary. Open the browser from your SmartTV and log into your account. Click the "Start" button. That's it, up in minutes.

Computer Setup

Computers are as simple to setup as the SmartTV. First, determine if you are going to use a Monitor or a TV as the display. There are a few ways to connect to the display; VGA, RCA, or HDMI. Open the chrome browser and log into your account. Now you can manage your display network from anywhere with just a few clicks.

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